किडनी, फेफड़े, आंखें और लिवर जैसे अंगों को डोनेट करने से बहुत से लोगों को नई जिंदगी मिलती है. लेकिन कुछ लोगों ने इस नि:स्वार्थ काम को भी सौदेबाजी की शक्ल दे दी है.
Many people give someone a new life when they donate organs such as kidneys, lungs, eyes and liver. But some people have given even this selfless work the shape of a bargain. Jaipur's Anti Corruption Bureau i.e. ACB and Health Department team conducted a raid and busted a kidney smuggling gang. The gang that issued NOCs for removing kidneys and livers of poor Bangladeshi laborers and transplanting them to the rich has been exposed.